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Frontera Tejana con Mejico, junio 2009 |
La Tarea:
Queridos Estudiantes,
Este mensaje es para recordarles dulcemente que una parte de su nota del examen final sera basado en el párrafo relativo a la Ley de inmigración de Arizona. Esto puede ser en Inglés, pero voy a traducirlo al español para los lectores en el extranjero que estén interesados en este tema. Por favor, tómense el tiempo suficiente para escribirlo bien, leerselo a tus padres u a otra persona y editarlo antes de entregarmelo a mí.
Recuerden, este es un artículo corto de opinión, como si estuvieron entrevistando durante 30 seg.-un minuto para la television de "prime-time." Sin embargo, estoy esperando que den una respuesta franca e inteligente a si esten de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con la ley y por qué. Algunas de sus respuestas serán publicadas en mi blog. Por favor, sean respetuosos, algo que no es lo mismo que comprometer sus creencias. Den ejemplos específicos para cualquier declaracion que les gustaría hacer. Estoy deseando leer sus comentarios!
This is a gentle reminder that a portion of your final exam grade will be based on your paragraph regarding the Arizona Immigration Law. This will be in English, but I will translate it into Spanish for those overseas readers who are interested in this topic. Please take the time to write, read it to your parents or to someone else and edit before turning it in to me.
Remember, this is a short opinion piece, as if you were interviewed for 30 sec.-one minute for prime time television. Nonetheless, I am expecting you to give a candid and intelligent response to whether you agree or disagree with the law and why. Your responses will be published on my blog sometime this upcoming weekend/next week with your first name. Please be respectful, which is not the same as compromising your beliefs. Please give specific examples for strong statements you'd like to make.
I'm looking forward to reading your pieces!
Remember, this is a short opinion piece, as if you were interviewed for 30 sec.-one minute for prime time television. Nonetheless, I am expecting you to give a candid and intelligent response to whether you agree or disagree with the law and why. Your responses will be published on my blog sometime this upcoming weekend/next week with your first name. Please be respectful, which is not the same as compromising your beliefs. Please give specific examples for strong statements you'd like to make.
I'm looking forward to reading your pieces!
-Senora Farrell
"Toda regulación que se centre en criminalizar el fenómeno migratorio, un fenómeno social, un fenómeno económico, abre la puerta a la intolerancia, al odio, a la discriminación, al abuso en la aplicación de la ley", dijo Calderón durante la inauguración de la reunión del Consejo Consultivo del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior.
- El presidente de México
Ciudad Juarez es el pueblo de mi querida ninera, Emma. Actualmente figura la Cuidad Juarez primera en la lista de cuidades mas peligrosas del mundo. Fijandose en el problema enorme de narcotrafico y el trafico de personas en esta area se puede entender mejor la decision para poner en efecto esta ley, no?
El día 1 de mayo se hicieron marchas por la ley sb1070 porque muchos no están de acuerdo y hay más violencia hacia los inmigrantes en Arizona, y descriminacion por ser latinos.
May 1st there were marches regarding the law sb1070 since many aren't in agreement with the law because there is more violence against Arizona immigrants and discrimination for being Latinos.
–Teresita Guerra, abuela y estudiante de ingles como segunda idioma/ESL
–Teresita Guerra, abuela y estudiante de ingles como segunda idioma/ESL
The Arizona Immigration Law is in no way over restrictive. Although many are protesting, this should only deal with those who are here illegally, and thus need to be apprehended anyway. This gives the police no more rights than previously, as the only time that they may inquire if someone is illegal is if they pulled the person over for some other crime. If an alien is in the US, they should have their papers with them at all times, as they are a visitor, not a citizen. The teeth were taken out of the law by an amendment passed on April 30th. The amendment lowered the fine from a minimum of $500, to a maximum of $100; also, first time offenders only stay in jail for 20 days, as opposed to 6 months.
La Ley de Inmigración de Arizona es de ninguna manera demasiado restrictiva. Aunque muchos están protestando, esto sólo tiene que ver con los que están aquí ilegalmente, y por lo tanto necesitan estar aprehendidos de todos modos. Esto no le da a la policía más derechos que antes; La única vez que la policia se puede preguntar si alguien es ilegal es cuando le hayan aprendido aquella persona por algún otro crimen. Si un extranjero se encuentra en los EE.UU., debe tener sus documentos con el en todo momento, ya que es un visitante, no un ciudadano. Los dientes fueron sacados de la ley por una enmienda aprobada el 30 de abril. La enmienda redujo la multa de un mínimo de 500 dólares, hasta un máximo de $ 100, también, los delincuentes de primera vez solo permanecen en la cárcel durante 20 días, en lugar de 6 meses.
-Katrina S., estudiante de espanol
NEW California Poll
The latest telephone poll taken by the California Governor's office
Asked whether people who live in California think illegal immigration
Is a serious problem:29% responded,
"Yes, it is a serious problem."71% responded,
"No es una problema seriosa
-Broma del internet
Joke on the Internet that came to me in the mail -
while we may chuckle, there is a strong attitude expressed here regarding foreign language, specifically Spanish - does this tie in with the subject?
I understand that it's wrong to be violent or discriminate people because of who they are, their race or language. And while many of my friends are illegal immigrants and I don't discriminate them at a personal level, this is not about the quality or value of the people who are illegally in the USA or any other country, this is about every country having laws, whether we like them or not, whether we agree with them or not, whether we think they are fair to people or not. And if somebody breaks the law, there has always been and have to be consequences. Those consequences don't have to be inhuman, but citizens in each and every country feel compelled to abide and defend their countries laws.
ReplyDeleteAnd about the Mexican president, I'm glad he views immigration like that, but don't forget that apart from 'defending' the many illegal Mexicans in the USA, he has to deal with his own country that pushes many to break the law in another one because of the horrible life they have in their place of birth, and he also has to improve the treatment they give to illegal aliens from Central America and other parts of the world.
Hello Silvia!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you that this issue is completely about a government having laws, like you say, whether or not we like them.
I was first against the law, but have since changed my mind when I learned that it doesn't give the right to law enforcement to racially profile, to single anyone out because of race. Instead it allows for investigation into the legality of someone's status after that person has been apprehended for another reason. Of course, there are always exapmples of abuses, unfortunately.
The big proglem that we have is the crime along the border and coming into this country because of lack of restrictions. A secured border might be more effective than an immigration law. Just a thought.
Thanks again for writing!
Mary, I agree with you. Unfortunately when our government fails to give many people the deserved legal visas and status, many feel compelled in their lives to risk it and come at the high price of breaking the law and being exposed to a deportation or something worse.
ReplyDeleteMany angry citizens make up mobs that treat others with no dignity. I'm not on either side, so to speak. Before I also was more against any law, I guess I thought that we had to grant that those people are in most of the cases good people, but with time I've come to understand that true compassion and charity have nothing to do with respecting authority and a true effort to make conditions for citizens and law abiding people the best they can be. However, racial profiling and other racism expressions make my blood boil.