Sunday, April 1, 2012

Domingo de Ramos

Palm Sunday, Astorga, Spain
It's late and I'm so sleepy, but I have to say that this was such a memorable day starting with this morning when we followed the sounds of trumpets leading to the procession on its way to morning mass at the cathedral.
Es muy tarde y me caigo de sueño, pero tengo que mencionar aquí que hoy fue un día memorable, empezando con esta mañana cuando seguimos las trompetas hasta la procesión que iba en camino a la misa en la catedral

Beautiful woven palm leaves, beautiful children
Bearers carry the scene of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem
wearing hoods to keep the focus on Christ
and not on their personal identities.
A joyful and expectant mood prevails
So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, "Praise to God! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord! God bless the King of Israel!Entonces cortaron hojas de palmera y salieron a recibirlo, gritando, "¡Hosana! Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor, el Rey de Israel! 

Juan/John 12:13
Enrique with an olive branch
and piece of laurel in his hands.
Leaving mass to join the procession
and waiting throng outside the cathedral door


  1. Wow, this looked amazing! The archway in the last pic takes my breath away...

  2. Tus fotos me traen recuerdos de mi infancia, ese día era especial, esperábamos el ramo todo el año. Un abrazo.

  3. Es estupendo poder ver lo que siempre he visto ahora con ojos nuevos.
