Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Market Days

The best thing about August is Farmer's Market.
Lo mejor de agosto es el Mercadillo.

Field ripened strawberries
Fresas listas para comer directamente del campo californiano

It's true, I'm an organic gal.
Si, es verdad, "Soy una chica totalmente organica."

Everything looks delicious!
Todo con una presentacion deliciosa!

Girasoles y albahaca (los tengo a montones en mi jardin) pero que bonitos se ven aqui.I have sunflowers and basil in my garden, but they look so nice here.

Peaches, our favorite summer fruit.
Duraznos/Melocotones, nuestra fruta preferida del verano.


  1. Mmmmmm, qué buena pinta tiene todo eso Mary

  2. Como me hubiera gustado leevarte al mecadillo de Davis, donde hay de todo - Tu con tu camara. Tu conseguiste sacar unas preciosas fotos de la comida ahi en tu ultimo post. Wow!

  3. Markets are splendid places to go to, to the reaps of people and to enjoy the homely atmosphere. It's a pity in my part of the world, markets are vanishing and replaced by supermarkets, in all its air-conditioned environments and pre-packed items. Things are never the same. I remember how we used to buy carrots and how my mother would choose each and every to make sure the carrots would be crunchy and have sufficient sweetness. Now, it's "grab a bag of carrots". Such small enjoyment in life is the sacrifice for modernity. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures of market with us. They brought back much fond memories.
