Wednesday, August 15, 2012

La Cordillera Cantábrica

Bring me men to match my mountains,
Give me men tall, brave and strong,
Bring me men to match my mountains
. . .  to match my plains,
Men with freedom in their visions
And creation in their veins.

The mountains we saw today were beautiful, rugged and strong and reminded me of part of a song we sang when traveling in a high school church choir.

The original words were written by Sam Walter Foss, "The Coming American," July 4, 1894 as such:
"Bring me men to match my mountains, Bring me men to match my plains, Men with empires in their purpose, And new eras in their brains."

Mountains of León, Spain
More pictures here


  1. Que decir!!! he recorrido tantas veces esas montañas de la Cordillera Cantábrica que viendo tus fotografías me he emocionado, precioso reportaje. Un enorme abrazo.

    Ah y el enlace que nos de dejas, que fotazas!!!!!

    1. De verdad lo pasamos bien, Carlos, yo con unas ganas de salir de la ciudad y recorrer las montañas justo cuando se nos presentó la fiesta de ayer.
      El enlace que has visto es de Risa, nuestra hija californiana. Sus fotos revelan lo mucho lo que ha disfrutado esta visita.
