Monday, April 30, 2012

One Ride to Remember the Road

One ride to remember 
is the beginning of an intense, excellent poem by David Holper, a dear friend and English professor at the College of the Redwoods.
Find out how Dave has crafted together

Tennessee, snowfall, panel van, Mardi Gras, 
Black, blind, horror, kindness and hatred 

in this contest
Esurance, Poems of the Road.
Currently One Ride to Remember the Road is number 7 of 1100 poetry entries.
With enough votes to win Dave will be able to raise funds for his daughter's school.
Enjoy the read and cast your vote!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Anoche fue El Prom, el baile formal de los chavales en los últimos dos años de instituto. A propósito, la señal que se ve aquí no es de cuernos (algo que no se ve mucho en los EEUU) sino el de "Hang Loose" un término surfeo que significa tranqui(lo).  
¡Qué gusto ver a mi hijo (el de la derecha) y a estos jóvenes aquí en esta foto que salió esta mañana en facebook.  Al Prom van con smoking o parecido, a una cena y baile formal y se lo pasan comiendo, bailando y pasándoselo a tope. ¡Qué guapos! 
Ryan's Jr/Sr. Prom
Last night was The Prom, the formal Junior/Senior  dance. It's so great to see my son (on the right) and these young people in this picture that came out on facebook this morning. They go in dress attire, a tuxedo or similar, to a formal dinner and dance and spend the evening eating, dancing and having a great time. So handsome!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

La Granizada

We walked to the bus terminal along the cold narrow streets until I waved her off to see Toledo. Best wishes, my dear, as you navigate Madrid's Metro to the adjoining bus station, to Toledo, to friends.
Caminamos a la estación de autobuses a lo largo de las estrechas y frías calles hasta que le despedí para ver Toledo. Mis mejores deseos, querida, a medida que te desplazas hasta el Metro de Madrid hacia la otra estación de autobuses, hacia Toledo, hacia los amigos.

Stopped by the grocery store for the best juice oranges and dark chocolate with whole almonds, just for any time at all. Helped two stray pilgrims find the Office of Tourism.
Paré en la tienda de comestibles por las mejores naranjas de zumo y chocolate negro con almendras enteras, para el momento adecuado. Ayudé a dos peregrinos a encontrar la Oficina de Turismo.

Opened the studded door to a warm embrace; Spanish husband, just returned from the hospital in León. Time with Mamá Tinia. Her recovery brings our sigh of relief and now seeing each other a joy to savor.
Abrí la puerta tachonada con un cálido abrazo, mi marido español, acaba de regresar del hospital de León. Una visita con Mamá Tinia. Su recuperación trae nuestro suspiro de alivio y ahora vernos la alegría para disfrutar.

There's just enough time to lunch, sip coffee and learn a new card game. Then, he's out the door to work, a brisk walk warms the chill.
Hay tiempo suficiente para comer, beber café y aprender un nuevo juego de cartas. Entonces, él está fuera de la puerta para trabajar, caminar a paso ligero calienta el frío.

The biggest surprise of the day awaits me.
Though quite used to freezing temperatures and grey skies, I didn't expect the sudden lightning streaking across the sky, thunderclaps echoing through our townhouse and hail hitting our loft's sunroof and tiles!
Me espera la mejor sorpresa del día. Aunque acostumbrada a temperaturas bajo cero y cielos grises, yo no esperaba el súbito relámpago cruzando el cielo, haciéndose eco de los truenos a través de nuestra casa y el granizo golpeando el techo solar de nuestro ático y las tejas del 

Poema Un Granizo Muy Blanco

He debido esperar muchos años para que al finme recibieras.

Probé todos los filtros. Me hice de cajas de cuerda,flores, talismanesque dejaba en tu casa sin que lo notaras. 
Recuérdame corriendo el picaporte. Oculto entre los árboles enanos y rojosque dan vueltas al jardíno en el clavo que sostiene una fotografíasin rastros de sonrisa.
Escúchame en la nota fatal de una manocon las uñas comidas que hace retroceder al piano, en las palabras que trizan tus gafas y vuelan el pañuelo.
Que el vino esté dispuesto y la comida caliente. Los cubiertos vivos como gatos.
El reloj será un canario y el canario un ratón y el ratón una trampa o una jaula de música.
Crecerán brasas en el baño, en el armario, en la cocina.
Caminarán autómatas los trajes. 
Y cuando por la mañana tenga que marcharme y escuches dormida el picaporte 
un granizo muy blanco 
irá cayendo
un granizo muy blanco hasta cubrirlo todo.

Carlos Lopez Degregori

Monday, April 23, 2012

En el Escaparate

Downtown Sacramento, California, 2010
Chiquitita, sabes muy bien
que las penas vienen y van y desaparecen
otra vez vas a bailar y serás feliz,
como flores que florecen.

Chiquitita, no hay que llorar
las estrellas brillan por ti allá en lo alto,
quiero verte sonreír
para compartir tu alegría, Chiquitita.

Otra vez quiero compartir tu alegría

Chiquitita, you and I know
How the heartaches come and they go
and the scars they're leaving
You'll be dancing once again and the pain will end

You will have no time for grieving
Chiquitita, you and I cry
But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you
Let me hear you sing once more like you did before

Sing a new song, chiquitita
Try once more like you did before
Sing a new song, chiquitita.


Saturday, April 21, 2012


Photo shoot themed Urban Decay in abandoned building, Sonora, CA
On another day I might vent about spending the best years of my teaching career to educate our children at home. I have always believed that we richly invested in them by homeschooling, but now can't help but feel mightily deflated by having a son who says I ruined his life, and now a daughter whose education through high school isn’t being recognized in Spain to go to culinary school because her diploma doesn’t have that (public) official signature and state seal. How will this all work out?
And, another day I might rant about how you can't really know if the very things you place as priorities in your life just might get stripped and ripped away from you, even if they are noble and good. You might never suspect how your heart will break. For how could you guess you would find so much pain at the end of the rainbow rather than treasure for all the years of sacrifice and hard work? Especially when you were dedicatedly following the guide book?
That's another day. Not today.

Then, again, *slow breath* maybe I haven’t gotten to the end of the rainbow.
Then again, *slow smile*  I have children, four of them, who talk to me, who share with and hug and love me.

Today, instead, true to my promise to remember and blog the good, the interesting and the positive,
I have this news and link to share with you:

Yes, congratulations are in order! 
Risa is one of the featured artists in a new photography exposition in San Diego. It's such a delight to see the ongoing recognition of her work!
Sister in the sunflowers
Risa es una de los artistas destacados en una exposición fotográfica nueva en San Diego (California). ¡Es una gozada ver el reconocimiento continuo de su trabajo!
Madrid at Christmas, 2011
Pool fun in backyard, Sacramento, CA

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Faith to be Strong

"En 1945 todo el pueblo de OLIEGOS (comarca leonesa de La Cepeda) fue trasladado a la fuerza en un tren de treinta vagones a la finca de Foncastín, municipio de Rueda (Valladolid)".

In 1945 the whole town of OLIEGOS (the county of La Cepeda in the Kingdom of Leon) was forcibly moved by train in thirty wagons to the farm of Foncastín, municipal county of Rueda (Valladolid).
"La construcción del pantano de Villameca forzó la "emigración" de más de ciento cincuenta personas a Foncastín."
The construction of the dam of Villameca forced the "emigration" of more than one hundred and fifty people to Foncastín.

Give us faith to be strong
Father, we are so weak
Our bodies are fragile and weary
As we stagger and stumble to walk where you lead
Give us faith to be strong

Give us faith to be strong
Give us strength to be faithful
This life is not long, but it's hard
Give us grace to go on
Make us willing and able
Lord, give us faith to be strong

Hoy caminamos bajo la lluvia por un sendero y de repente se nos presentó delante de nuestros ojos las ruinas del pueblo entero. Las chimeneas, los quicios de las puertas, las ventanas y más, todo de pizarra, fueron recuerdos de una población entera que no tuvo otra opción más que recoger unas pocas pertenencias y salir.
We walked through the rain down this path and came upon the ruins of the entire village today. The slate chimneys, doorposts, windows and more were distinct reminders of an entire population who had no other choice than to pick up and leave.
El pueblo de Oliegos, antes de su evacuación forzada tendría fácilmente mil, dos mil o posiblemente tres mil años, como tantos otras poblaciones en esta provincia.

The Town of Oliegos (Northern Spain) before the forced evacuation was easily a thousand, two thousand or possibly three thousand years old, like so many other ancient populations in the province.

Give us peace when we're torn
Mend us up when we break
This flesh can be wounded and shaking
When there's much too much trouble for one heart to take
Give us peace when we're torn

Give us faith to be strong
Give us strength to be faithful
This life is not long, but it's hard
Give us grace to go on
Make us willing and able
Lord, give us faith to be strong

Me imaginé a mí misma en una migración obligatoria, y me pregunté lo que hubiera escogido que pudiera haber llevado solo en los brazos, cómo habría sido si me hubiera sentido mala o si tuviera a mis queridos enfermos conmigo, cómo me hubiera sentido saliendo de mi tierra natal, pueblo de mi familia durante generaciones.
I imagined myself in forced migration, wondering what to take that I could carry only in my arms, how it would be if I were sick or had ailing loved ones, how it would feel to leave my family's home and homeland of generations.

Fueramos capaces de ver Oliegos sólo por la grave sequía de este año que ha secado las aguas del embalse que normalmente cubren la aldea. Un escalofrío inquietante recorrió mi espalda a medida que exploraba los senderos de los aldeanos, examinando los restos de sus hogares expuestos por el retroceso de las aguas.

We were able to see Oliegos only because this year's severe drought has dried up the reservoir waters that normally cover the village. A haunting chill ran down my spine as we explored the footpaths of villagers and examined the remnants of their homes exposed by the receded waters.
Uno arraiga en un lugar, especialmente cuando ese lugar es su casa durante tanto tiempo, se convierte en su identidad. Por lo tanto, al igual que en otros lugares similares, las voces de aquellos que vivían aquí se hacen eco a través de las viviendas abandonadas.

One becomes rooted to a place, especially when that place is your home for so long. It becomes your identity. Thus, like in other similar places, the voices of those who lived here echo through the abandoned dwellings.
Como una trasplantada a otro lugar distinto al que fue mi hogar durante generaciones, sentí una tristeza fuerte y conecté con este lugar. 

As a transplant to another place other than that which was my home for generations, I felt a strong melancholy and link to this place.

Give us hearts to find hope
Father, we cannot see
How the sorrow we feel can bring freedom
And as hard as we try, Lord, it's hard to believe
So, give us hearts to find hope

Give us faith to be strong
Give us strength to be faithful
This life is not long, but it's hard
Give us grace to go on
Make us willing and able
Lord, give us faith to be strong
Give us peace when we're torn
Give us faith, faith to be strong
-Andrew Peterson

La letra de esta canción que tanto resuena dentro de mi alma:
Danos corazones para encontrar la esperanza,
Padre, no podemos ver cómo el dolor que sentimos puede traer libertad.
Y, por mucho que lo intentemos, Señor, es difícil de creer.
Por lo tanto, danos corazones para encontrar la esperanza.

The lyrics to this song thus resonate within my soul:
Give us hearts to find hope,
Father, we cannot see how the sorrow we feel can bring freedom.
And, as hard as we try, Lord, it's hard to believe.
So, give us hearts to find hope.
Un monumento a los desplazados de Oliegos,
como un agujero en el corazón, por el que el pasado aparece en el otro lado.

A monument to the displaced peoples of Oliegos,
like a hole in one's heart, for the past that appears on the other side. 
Placard at this memorial:
We are One. In Time and Space.
OLIEGOS - Alive in our Memory
Yo vi, a la clara luz de la mañana,
tibia y rosada, de incipiente invierno,

fornidos hombres, en lenguaje tierno,
el adiós dar postrero a su besana.
Yo vi a toda mujer –joven o anciana-
llorando, en fuerza de calor materno,
protestar y jurar amor eterno
a su iglesia, a su vida, a su fontana…
Yo los vi caminando: silenciosos;
la cabeza doblada, tardo el paso
y, por el llanto, con los ojos ciegos…
Y si al marchar, sonaba por acaso
algún nombre en sus labios temblorosos,
sólo pude escuchar el tuyo, “Oliegos”

I saw, in the clear light of morning,
tepid and flushed, the insipid winter,
robust men, with tender words
their last good-bye to their plowed lands.
I saw all the women, young and old,
crying, with maternal warmth,
protesting and swearing eternal love
to their church, their life, their fountain...
I saw them walking: silent;
bent heads, slow steps
and finally, from weaping, with blinded eyes...
And if while marching, some sound was heard
some name upon their trembling lips,
I only heard yours, "Oliegos".

Augusto Quintana, 
who saw the flight of the Oliegos/
quien vio la égira de los de Oliegos

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holy Thursday! Snow!

Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.
William Alexander

This morning I slipped down the stairs from our loft bedroom to the sound of laughter; Sara skyping with a friend in the early morning. Pulling up the metal blinds I was met with a wondrous sight... SNOW! After a long winter during which it didn't even rain, we arrived to Easter Week, and now, Holy Thursday!  It was snowing! By the time I raced to get my camera, found the batteries weren't working, and went to get Enrique's, the snow had turned to rain, but you can still see a bit of it on the rooftops from our skylight. Magic anytime.
Holy Thursday, Astorga, Spain
Esta mañana me deslicé por la escalera, bajándome del ático, que es nuestro dormitorio, al oir risas; Sara en skype con una amiga temprano por la mañana. Subiendo las persianas me saludó un panorama maravilloso... LA NIEVE!!!! Después de un invierno durante el cual ni llovió, habíamos llegado a la Semana Santa, y ahora, Jueves Santo! Está nevando! Por el momento corrí por mi cámara, descubrí que no funcionaban las pilas, y fui a coger la de Enrique, la nieve se había convertido a lluvia, pero todavía puedes observar un poco de ella en los tejados desde nuestra ventana. Es mágica siempre.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Domingo de Ramos

Palm Sunday, Astorga, Spain
It's late and I'm so sleepy, but I have to say that this was such a memorable day starting with this morning when we followed the sounds of trumpets leading to the procession on its way to morning mass at the cathedral.
Es muy tarde y me caigo de sueño, pero tengo que mencionar aquí que hoy fue un día memorable, empezando con esta mañana cuando seguimos las trompetas hasta la procesión que iba en camino a la misa en la catedral

Beautiful woven palm leaves, beautiful children
Bearers carry the scene of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem
wearing hoods to keep the focus on Christ
and not on their personal identities.
A joyful and expectant mood prevails
So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, "Praise to God! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord! God bless the King of Israel!Entonces cortaron hojas de palmera y salieron a recibirlo, gritando, "¡Hosana! Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor, el Rey de Israel! 

Juan/John 12:13
Enrique with an olive branch
and piece of laurel in his hands.
Leaving mass to join the procession
and waiting throng outside the cathedral door