President Donald Trump has decided to end the Obama-era program that grants work permits to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children

The administration’s deliberations on the issue have been fluid and fast moving, and the president has faced strong warnings from members of his own party not to scrap the program.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA. But conversations with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who argued that Congress — rather than the executive branch — is responsible for writing immigration law, helped persuade the president to terminate the program and kick the issue to Congress.
House Speaker Paul Ryan had said during a radio interview on Friday that he didn’t think the president should terminate DACA, and that Congress should act on the issue.campaign message about the importance of enforcing the country’s immigration laws and securing the border
The White House and Congress have tried to pass the issue off on each other – with each arguing that the other is responsible for determining the fate of the approximately 800,000 undocumented immigrants who are benefiting from DACA.
Some Republican lawmakers, including Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, have said that Congress needs to pass a law to protect the so-called Dreamers.
Republicans, who are facing an end-of-September deadline to avert a government shutdown and government debt default, while also tackling a Hurricane Harvey relief package and a major tax reform push.
Meanwhile, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), who has called on Trump to stand up for the Dreamers, tweeted out her displeasure with Trump’s expected announcement.
“After teasing #Dreamers for months with talk of his 'great heart,' @POTUS slams door on them. Some 'heart'...” she wrote.
What do Christians in the USA have to say about DACA? The President and Vice President along with Chairmen of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have issued a statement denouncing the Administration’s termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program after six months. Here is the full statement:
What do Christians in the USA have to say about DACA? The President and Vice President along with Chairmen of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have issued a statement denouncing the Administration’s termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program after six months. Here is the full statement:
The cancellation of the DACA program is reprehensible. It causes unnecessary fear for DACA youth and their families. These youth entered the U.S. as minors and often know America as their only home. The Catholic Church has long watched with pride and admiration as DACA youth live out their daily lives with hope and a determination to flourish and contribute to society: continuing to work and provide for their families, continuing to serve in the military, and continuing to receive an education. Now, after months of anxiety and fear about their futures, these brave young people face deportation. This decision is unacceptable and does not reflect who we are as Americans.
The Church has recognized and proclaimed the need to welcome young people: ‘Whoever welcomes one of these children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me' (Mark 9:37). Today, our nation has done the opposite of how Scripture calls us to respond. It is a step back from the progress that we need to make as a country. Today’s actions represent a heartbreaking moment in our history that shows the absence of mercy and good will, and a short-sighted vision for the future. DACA youth are woven into the fabric of our country and of our Church, and are, by every social and human measure, American youth.
We strongly urge Congress to act and immediately resume work toward a legislative solution. We pledge our support to work on finding an expeditious means of protection for DACA youth.
As people of faith, we say to DACA youth – regardless of your immigration status, you are children of God and welcome in the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church supports you and will advocate for you.
September 5, 2017
Death tried to stop me twice, and it failed. Do you really think an orange haired orrangutan is going to take me down? I'm not alone in the fight and we will rise, if you don't want us here you better get used to it cuz we're not going anywhere and the fight has just begun. We are the vocal, we are the inspired, we are faithful, we are the future, we are the god damned dreamers of your American Nightmare and LORD how are you all about to wake up. But this is not a fight won with hate, violence, weapons, or blood. This a war won with educated minds, compassion, love and understanding. Rise my people and clean yourselves up for road is long and few are the refuges for those unwilling to surrender. Cry no more, fear no more. But fight forever and love for ever and ever more.
#isupportdaca #donaldtrump #congress #dreamers #unstoppable.
Danilo Guerrero-León
September 6, 2017
Death tried to stop me twice, and it failed. Do you really think an orange haired orrangutan is going to take me down? I'm not alone in the fight and we will rise, if you don't want us here you better get used to it cuz we're not going anywhere and the fight has just begun. We are the vocal, we are the inspired, we are faithful, we are the future, we are the god damned dreamers of your American Nightmare and LORD how are you all about to wake up. But this is not a fight won with hate, violence, weapons, or blood. This a war won with educated minds, compassion, love and understanding. Rise my people and clean yourselves up for road is long and few are the refuges for those unwilling to surrender. Cry no more, fear no more. But fight forever and love for ever and ever more.
#isupportdaca #donaldtrump #congress #dreamers #unstoppable.
Danilo Guerrero-León
September 6, 2017
#Dreamers #defendDACA #MarcoRubio #PaulRyan #USCCB #immigrantrights
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