Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cross and Anchor, Post and Port

Cruz y Ancla, Poste y Puerto
Vidriera sobre la entrada de la iglesia católica de la Imaculada Concepción, construida en 1917, 
Old Town, San Diego
Stained Glass above the entry of the catholic church of the Immaculate Conception, built in 1917,
Old Town, San Diego
Let light shine out of darkness. . .  II Corinthians 4:6

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Shelter Island

Out the double-glass doors of our Sand Diego island hotel. My father sent me a message this morning that read, "The weather is Blue Bird in San Diego. Hope you're enjoying it!" Yes, indeed!

Fuera de las puertas de doble cristal de nuestra isla-hotel en San Diego. Mi padre me envió un mensaje esta mañana que decía: "El tiempo es Pájaro Azul en San Diego. Espero que lo estés disfrutando!" Sí, por supuesto!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Vegan Feast

Begin with fresh from the garden produce
Add beautiful surroundings with music for extra ambiance. A cheery table set with tasteful ease.

First dish is a delicious homemade hearty vegetable soup and second is a "create your own salad" with a delicious assortment of toppings and a raspberry vinaigrette.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mom's Central Valley Beach

When you grow up at the beach you never forget the cry of gulls, morning fog until noon, salty air over crashing waves beckoning surfers who walk by barefoot with boards above their heads or under their arms. You can take the beach girl away from the sea, but never the sea away from the girl. And so it is for my mother who turned seventy-one this week. While she's cleared away other collections, her ocean treasures have grown. And I, third generation Huntington Beach gal, like her, find myself drawn time each time to the sea. 

Cuando uno crece en la playa nunca olvida el grito de las gaviotas, la niebla por la mañana hasta el mediodía, el aire salado sobre las olas estrellándose llamando a los surfistas descalzos que caminan con sus tablas encima de sus cabezas o bajo sus brazos. Se puede alejar la chica de la playa, lejos del mar, pero el mar nunca estará lejos de la chica. Y así es para mi madre, que cumplió setenta y uno esta semana. Aunque ella se ha despojado de otras colecciones, sus tesoros oceánicos han crecido. Y yo, chica tercera generación Huntington Beach, como ella, me siento atraída cada vez más cada vez por la mar.
Don't wish me happiness - I don't expect to be happy - it's gotten beyond that, somehow. Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor - I will need them all.
The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea.
The loneliness you get by the sea is personal and alive. It doesn't subdue you and make you feel abject. It's stimulating loneliness.
One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few.
*All quotes from Anne Morrow Lindbergh, wife and fellow aviator of Charles Lindbergh and mother to son Charles, who at twenty months was kidnapped for ransom, but murdered just the same. She loved and suffered, and loved again. And she wrote about the journey in her excellent book, Gift From the Sea.

Todas las citas de Anne Morrow Lindbergh, aviadora, esposa y colega de Charles Lindbergh y la madre del hijo Carlos, que a los veinte meses fue secuestrado para pedir un rescate, pero aun así asesinado finalmente. Ella amó, sufrió y amó de nuevo y escribió de este viaje en su excelente libro, Regalo del Mar.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Half Mast

Our flags are flying low today,
mourning a good man, a Californian, ambassador to Libya.
His untimely death, the anniversary of 9/11
causes stirrings of restless unease.
Our hearts are yearning, longing for peace.
Nuestra bandera hoy ondea a media asta, 
de luto por un buen hombre, un californiano, embajador en Libia.
Su muerte prematura en el aniversario del 11S
causa conmociones de inquieto malestar.
Nuestros corazones están anhelando y añorando la paz.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Good News

What a laugh since in English "cheeses" and "Jesus" sound much the same.
Qué risa ya que en inglés "cheeses" (quesos)  y "Jesus" suenan casi igual.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Berries & Breakfast

Living in the past brings depression and sorrow. 
Living in the future anxiety and stress. 
Living in the present, in the fullness and goodness of today, brings peace and hope. 

My sister-in-law Marlena visited today and as we talked this was the truth that surfaced time and again in our conversation. Today the fullness and goodness included her companionship, the redwood trees and deck where we shared a delicious meal and the hummingbirds we watched come to the feeders while we ate. What was the goodness in your day today?