Monday, February 27, 2012


Ayuntamiento de Astorga, sábado 25 de febrero de 2012
While I'm still in California waiting on paperwork for my residency visa, the people of my Spanish hometown, Astorga, are celebrating to the hilt the Saturday Festival of the Piñata 2012.

Mientras permanezco en California esperando mi visado de residencia, la gente de mi ciudad española, Astorga, está celebrando a tope la Fiesta del Sábado de Piñata 2012 (Carnaval).

Pura fantasía - Pure fantasy

Hasta los más pequeños se disfrazan
Even the smallest dress up

¡Cómo me gusta la chica pavo real!
I really like this Peacock Girl

Is one of these fearsome Samurai really my gentle husband?
Can you guess which one he is? Hahaha
¿De verdad es uno de estos temibles Samurais realmente mi tierno esposo?
¿Adivinas cuál es? Hahaha

Precious under a paper and bamboo parasol
Preciosa bajo una sombrilla de papel y bambú
Our group, the Samurai, won third place - Hooray!
Nuestro grupo, los Samurais, ganó el tercer premio . ¡Bravo!


  1. Congratulations--it looks like such fun!

  2. Hello! I came by via the blog of your husband. The carnival looks lots of fun, everyone looks enjoying being in disguise. To be honest with you, the samurai doesn’t look Japanese but mostly with Chinese twist. I like the paper and bamboo parasol. Thanks for sharing this intriguing festival.

    Yoko from Japan
