Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Sarita con "Aunt Nome"
Solo tengo una hermana. Naomi nacio unos nueve y medio anos despues que yo y por lo tanto no compartimos mucho de jovenes. Siempre estaba yo con mis cosas y estudios y ella con los amiguitos. Pero ahora, de mayores, somos mas unidas. "Nome" vive cerca con su esposo y su hijito, un nino precioso que ha sobrevivido un tumor cerebral cuando tenia 11 meses. El se ha recuperado de sus operaciones de forma milagrosa. Pero ella, por su parte, tiene el salud muy fragil ya que padece de ataques de epilepsia desde los cuatro anos cuando sufrio una herida grave a la cabeza. Lo triste es que en vez de mejorar con tantos estudios, tratamientos, medicinas, etc. . . se ha empeorado. A veces me preocupo que no sobrevivira los muchos anos para llegar a ser viejitas las dos. Cuando estamos todos juntos de fiesta o de visita ya consideramos los ataques como algo normal. Es dificil. Es mi hermana.

I only have one sister. Naomi was born nine and a half years after I was and so we didn't share very much when we were young. I was always busy with my things and studies and she with her friends. But now, as we are older, we are closer. "Nome" lives nearby with her husband and little son, a precious boy who survived a brain tumor when he was 11 months old. He has miraculously recovered from his operations. But instead, she is the one who is very fragile in health; suffering from epilepsy since she had a serious head injury when she was four. The sad thing is that instead of getting better after so much testing, research-treatment, medicine, etc...she's gotten worse. Sometimes I worry that she won't survive long enough for us to be little old ladies together. When we are all together for a holiday or visit we treat her seizures as if they were normal. It's difficult. She's my sister.

Nome con John


  1. wow! she looks just like Wendy!!! Hi Nomi!!

  2. Hi Lisa. I didn't have time to write the English translation earlier. Here you go. Love ya!

  3. Abrazos para ella desde Canarias.... todo irá bien ... ya verás

  4. Gracias, Tono - te lo agradezco. Y gracias por los saludos. Les echo de menos.
