Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dave Lane - Out in Space

Acabo de llegar de una exhibicion de arte hecho por un amigo, Dave Lane, con construcciones enormes de acero. Con equipo antiguo industrial y del campo ha hecho unas esculturas asombrosas durante los ultimos cinco anos o mas que se presentaron por ultima vez en la Galeria Nelson de la Universidad de CA, Davis. Nos dio un tour privado y luego salimos a comer Thai. Pasamos una noche fascinante.
Grandma Planet
Keyes, Heart of GoldTonight a high school friend and artist Dave Lane, gave the girls, our friend Bruce and me a private tour of his fascinating exhibit for its last viewing. Dave uses found and modified agricultural and industrial steel relics of the 20th century to embody his personal cosmology. It's a mad maze of monstrous machinery contrasted by minute, but prolific puzzles, grids, circles, triangles, diamonds and lines of text/writings.


  1. wow - now that's a familiar name! cool stuff...

  2. It was fascinating, to say the least. And how fun to see you have fun with your old HS buddies. =D It was fun just watching you guys.

