Sunday, February 21, 2016

Palacio de Canedo

Such a romantic place. No wonder this couple chose it for their special day.  

21.2.2016 - One of the reasons I so love having a small English academy is that I get to meet so many interesting people, especially young people just embarking on new careers and life journeys. Alfonso Gonzálo Díaz-Palacio, in just the short time I've known him has created several short films, one which is a favourite, The Rocking Chair, La Mecedora, and a number of photography projects. Here is a sample of his special perspective, the wedding of Bruno and Laura at the Palacio de Canedo.

Alfonso: "Casi 6 meses después de la boda entre Bruno y Laura, os dejo un vídeo resumen del trabajo que me encargaron. Fue un día genial entre los viñedos del Palacio de Canedo. ¡Espero que os guste!"

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