On February 14th, Valentine's Day, a year ago Astorga inaugurated it's new Chocolate Museo. The Museo del Chocolate celebrated this month with Weekends in February, in which every Saturday it's provided a different aspect of the Chocolate Tradition with Tours, Talks and Tasting.
1954 El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote De La Mancha, Colección de 80 cromos, de unas ilustraciones realizadas entre 1928-1934 por Albert José Segelles.
1954 Don Quixote of the Mancha, one of a collection of 80 collectable prints made between 1928-1934 by Albert José Segelles.
La imprenta astorgana, surgió en el siglo XVI fue revolucionaria para que se difundiera la imagen chocolate de Astorga al mundo. El resultado fue que una industria entera de dibujantes y litógrafos se desarrollara durante largo tiempo y con magníficos diseños. Figuran en la colección del Museo de Chocolate de Astorga impresiones de membretes, tarjetas de visita, cromos, carteles y envolturas para el chocolates.
The printing press that appeared in the XVI century in Astorga was revolutionary in that it spread the chocolate image of Astorga to the world. The result was an entire industry of draftsmen/graphic designers and lithographers that developed magnificent designs over a long period of time. Letterheads, business cards, trading cards, posters and wrappers for chocolates are included in the Chocolate Museum of Astorga collection.
Piedras litográficas y planchas de cinc relacionadas exclusivamente con la elaboración del chocolate.
Paladares Expertos Eligen el Chocolate Santocildes Entre sus Favoritos
Historian Manuel Álvarez in the Program below talks about Astorga's chocolate. One of the most interesting points for me was to learn why Astorga and not some other place in Europe. He says that there were two main reasons. One, Astorga became the Diocese of the region in the 1800s, a center of religious and thus, social activity and secondly, the climate, being both dry and cold. perfect for the storage and preservation of this delicious product.
La Chocoleta de Magín, Programa nº4, entrevista a Mañuel Álvarez, historiador que nos cuenta sobre el chocolate de Astorga.