Thursday, June 25, 2009

Schola Days Two & Three

Aren't they beautiful?- they are why I do the crazy things I do.

Finding context and meaning. . .

We just LOVE Poetry!

Some Scholites want to walk to Jamba

Waiting for those beloved beverages - fruit smoothies

and Margaritas for the Schola adults

T-shirt Signing

Bluegrass and More!

A quiet moment to draw and paint.

Memories still on our bathroom mirror.


  1. What fun that was! You were quite the hostess, my dear. Besos preciosa.

  2. Looks like a good time was had by all!

  3. I like your last photo, it's well put together. Hope you have been having lots of fun.

  4. 24 people!! My god, I bet you need another vacation to recup from such a hard duty :-) Sounds awesome and looks like you guys are having a lot of fun! cheers.

  5. Tienes cuatro joyas preciosas!

  6. Thanks Lis, Grayscale an Frank,
    This was VERY memorable! I can't imagine doing again any time soon, but I discovered that it IS doable and we even had a great time stretching ourselves and resources to such limits. Best moments included listening to awesome bluegrass- best fiddling, guitar and cello playing ever, group poetry readings, little conversations with some really interesting kids. . .

    Si, gracias por los comentarios Frank y Ana! Y gracias, Ana, por compararlos con jojas. Aunque a veces me pasan por la maquina de exprimir, son bastantes buenos y lo pasamos muy bien.
