Monday, June 24, 2013

A Summer Bouquet

La pena te puede consumir. Puede predeterminar tu futuro.
En lugar de ella hay alegría. Nuestra felicidad depende de nuestra relación con Dios, no de nuestra estación de la vida. Disfruta de las cosas buenas de la vida ahora. Espera que las estaciones cambien de manera que no te arrollarán.
Renuncia al control. Acepta tus limitaciones. Hay belleza en cualquiera que sea la temporada en que estés.
Meditaciones acerca de Eclesiastés 3:1-15

Enrique's first oil painting after class with Eric Boston,
Black-Eyed Susans on a sunny Monday afternoon.  
Grief can consume you. It can predetermine your future.
Instead there is joy. Our happiness is contingent on our relationship with God, not our season of life. Enjoy the good things of life now. Expect the seasons to change so they don't blow you away.
Let go of control. Accept your limitations. Whatever season you are in, there is beauty.
Meditations on Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Eric Boston en Astorga

Eric Boston, pintor norteamericano está en Astorga esta semana ofreciendo un taller de pintura con espátula y utilizando técnicas impresionistas. Como parte del programa de una semana de intercambio cultural las clases son gratis para todos los afortunados que se apunten a tiempo!

American painter Eric Boston  is in Astorga this week offering a workshop using a palette knife and Impressionistic techniques. As part of a week of cultural exchange the classes are free for all those fortunate to sign-up on time!

Nació en Illinois (en el interior de los EEUU), creció la mayor parte del tiempo en Bellevue, WA, y siempre ha tenido interés y pasión por el arte. Su primera educación formal como pintor al óleo empezó a los ocho años, en la escuela de arte Ilona Ritler Gallery donde estudió durante cinco años. Una cosa llevó a otra y Eric recibió su licenciatura en Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Washington State.

Born in Illinois and raised almost entirely in Bellevue, WA, Eric has always had an interest and passion for art. His first formal training as an oil painter started at 8 years old, where he studied for five years at Ilona Ritler Gallery art school. One thing lead to another, and Eric received his B.A. in Fine Arts from Washington State University.
Tuscany Evening-
Impasto painting technique gives lots of texture to the surface,
 and the warm colors are sure to capture anyone's spirit
who has been or wants to go to Italy.

A Night in Venice-
Impasto technique uses quick strokes, and the surface texture is lighter on this painting than many of my others.
Autumn Afternoon-
Impasto painting technique creates a lively textured surface.
Very thick paint!  
Fiat 500
He loves this little car!
Actualmente Eric divide su tiempo entre el mantenimiento de su propia agencia de diseño creativo, que se llama High Gear Creative, y  la creación de pinturas al óleo de paisajes y de su obsesión de mucho tiempo:  los coches.

Eric currently splits his time between running his own creative design agency called High Gear Creative, and creating oil paintings of landscapes and his long-time obsession: cars.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A School Year Ends in Villablino

Posters together with a large American flag greeted me
on my first day to the school.
Autumn landscape unfolded before us as we carpooled
the hour and a half drive to the high school.
It was already November, and like the saying,  "The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese," Well, in the case of  IES Valle de Laciana, I certainly "got the cheese." I didn't begin in September like the others. I was a late starter. However, teaching in Villablino gave me the privilege of working with the most wonderful staff and students I have ever known.
Explaining Thanksgiving through games and storytelling
was one of my first assignments.
Fall gave way to winter meaning more rain and colder days and...
The schoolyard looking down from the Teacher's Lounge; snow and...
more snow.
On the way to work - rough going.
Science teacher extraordinaire, Laura, and I laughing in the snow drifts
December: Lessons about how the Grinch Stole Christmas and different ways to celebrate the holidays made for many memorable moments.
January- February:
It was always a joy to be with my co-workers and students.
They were pure sunshine during those long winter days.
I promised that this photo be titled Sexy Spanish Men in Pink -
Gotta love these guys teaching Math and Graphic Design
Some awesome teaching in Ms. Bea's class included playing verb
jeopardy to get students ready for their final exams.
Gorka, thank you again for the priceless present of chocolates my last
day. You are un caramelo, de verdad.

After the observation of Three King's Day or Epiphany, we were back to work. Sometimes the hours and demands seemed so long and impossible, but with our little  coffee breaks and friendly discourses we moved through our days happy to share in in our endeavors.

Bar Restaurante Casa Riesco
March: A visit back to the States to see youngest son in his first leading role for a school play and visit with the other children, family and friends as well.

A special message for the last months in particular...

Dearest Students, Professors and Educational Staff,

It has been a pleasure beyond words to have the privilege of working with you. We have enjoyed cultural exchanges of many sorts together. Some of many memories include Popcorn reading our texts, singing ridiculous jingles and songs so the English would "stick", vocabulary games and competitions, Pay Me Backs (Págames), and more. I hope you remember the good times we've had, (especially the chocolate chip cookies, hahaha) and that despite the economy, politics and all the other things that make us feel cynical and frustrated, there IS LIFE and LOVE and wonderful people everywhere, all over this big world. Best wishes to you all, in every endeavor.

I will miss you very much!

Ha sido un placer indescriptible de tener el privilegio de trabajar con ustedes. Hemos disfrutado juntos de intercambios culturales de muchas clases. Algunos de los muchos recuerdos incluyen Popcorn reading nuestros textos, cantando rimas ridículas y canciones para que el Inglés se "pegue", juegos de vocabulario y concursos, Pay Me Backs (Págames), y más. Espero que recordéis los buenos momentos que hemos tenido, (especialmente las galletas de copos de avena y chocolate, jajaja) y que a pesar de la economía, la política y todas las otras cosas que nos hacen sentir cínicos y frustrados, hay vida, amor y gente maravillosa en todas partes de este gran mundo.
Mis mejores deseos para todos ustedes, en todo lo que emprendáis.
Voy a echaros mucho de menos!


Saying goodbye with oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for all my classes